Last Cereal: Message Board: posting
re: changes
[15961] by "andrea" (   on Mon 30 Sep 2002 07:17:16     [ reply ]
Yes Eurora. That's the groove of this season: great changes! GREAT CHANGES! But actually, they never come. It's like a multiple "waiting for Godot", Godot arrives, rings the bell, you open the door... and he's gone. Again and again. For example: Vienna. Why am I not there yet? We are constantly on the verge of finding the right place to open a school there... then something happens. Poh.

Printing: what would I ask?? What would I give! LC attitude replicates in real life too: a friend which has friends in MTV italy pointed their attention on Last Cereal, I was contacted for some depressing shorts, I began to gather the knowledge and tech to make some movies... and then nothing. LC colour panels were to be exposed during that famous concert... and the projector broke down. I don't think it's a curse, it's more like a "superior sign". Or something...

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