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re: hughh..
[26374] by "wob" (   on Wed 24 Sep 2003 01:33:39     [ reply ]
Whats all this origins of Russians got to do with human evolution? - We were talking about the 1000'000's of years of genetic diversty.  If you like to tell us you're Aryan - then great, Hitler would be proud to have you in his livestock.

Vla said; "Only in cheesy 80s movies college students get laid  a lot...Lower your expectations, I guess, and you might have a chance to be happy"

- and what the fuck is the above?.....
inreality...people get laid more than others, some all the time and some not at all, but its not all what makes us 'happy or sad'.  

"Like me...I'm happy. I've gone through  hunger, family abuse, and 2 rape attempts which ended up pretty badly for me...and you know what? I wake up every day, and my mornings are great and I'm happy...I guess I'm a dumb happy woman"

- nice snappy life story, you should plan and construct a future synthesis abode to rid of those bad times in you're then day- to-day life inhabiting Namangan, Moscow and NJ.  
Live for a better future Vla.. you deserve that.

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