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re: V|F\l|a
[45878] by "Anonymous" (   on Mon 24 Jan 2005 22:43:28     [ reply ]
No abscence not a sense of loss, not a sense of defeat or death. Are you saying rejection? If so...for some it creates more drive which may / may not lead to goals, but at least its a cause to be constructive. For others the fall into the merky merk world of utter aliencraft and danger is irriversible.   Flirting / sex gives you that powerfull feeling - the knowing your a hotty , knowing that others want to share your seed/egg it gives you the cuts the ties between you and the ones which don't get it. Now you can begin to feel sorry for people, guide people, help people.

The young ladies scribbled their phonenumbers onto bits of paper and then naughtly slipped them into the courier bags of the Marine guys they fancied. Poor Oswald didn't get anything like that.  But he did meet a women before being shot and killed at the tender age of 24.  I dont think sex was the cause as to why he put a bullet through JFK's head though.  

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