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re: 100 years after Einstein
[50506] by "Rob Pfeifer" (   on Sat 23 Jul 2005 07:52:34     [ reply ]
Bear Creek looks lovely.

My brother read a Bill Bryson book (_The Lost Continent_, I think) about travelling around America and then decided he didn't need to go there and see it. But Bill Bryson only describes the malls, the long identical strips of gas stations and motels, and so on. It's as if he's oblivious to the beauty of the landscape, of the Earth itself. The closest he comes to admiring a place for itself is to say "I went there, and yes, it was beautiful, and then I went to look for somewhere to stay and ... " cut to exceedingly long description of how it's not as good as when he was a lad. I've just read the book myself and I must confess, I'm astounded anyone could travel over areas as vast and differing as he did and spend so much time being bored.

Some time I would very much like to come and see the natural wonders of America before (if you believe Bill Bryson) the National Parks destroy them all (!).


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