Last Cereal: Message Board: posting
[50511] by "Rob Pfeifer" (   on Sat 23 Jul 2005 09:53:39     [ reply ]
How interesting to look back two, three pages of board and as many years into history.

I dropped in momentarily to lament a moment of angst with an Italian girl and departed again - and now, two years later I read the reply.

So strange - the internet as a time capsule.

I have in a sense been Away From Keyboard - for a little while I put my life on hold. I worked as hard as the law allowed, earning money to break my way free of medicine and forge a new career in physics. So far it seems to be working.

Then I worked just as hard to learn the physics it was assumed I already knew, while taking courses with people who had been studying the subject for years.

Now it's time to pick up the pieces of my life and resume something like normalcy, in a country 13,500 miles from home, a student again at the age of 26, and suddenly I no longer feel as if I know where to begin. I've lost the pulse of the city. I don't know where to go for a good time, and I'm only just starting to remember what it is I want to do.

And once again, that old restlessness has started up. The itch that says, you're missing something. There's something else you need to do. I want to get in the car and drive. Behind the wheel it fades - I'm going somewhere. But am I going to, or merely running from?

I'm not stupid - I know what the itch is called now. Its name is stasis, and it's time to grow again.

Life is lived in dynamic equilibrium. Stability exists only through change.


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