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re: Culture envy
[50885] by "DangerousType" (   on Thu 11 Aug 2005 19:12:32     [ reply ]
Good news ~ I clearly don't have a case of stasis and if I did it was the 24-hour variety.  

“Heliotropic” is a term describing plants’ natural movement to orient themselves toward sunlight.  Perhaps I am a human heliotrope - naturally moving myself toward adventure and spiritual growth.  The rainy day is passed and I recognize that the least I can do is be a little more grateful.  Thanks for the heads-up.  I have always said that Everything always works out more exquisitely than I ever plan.  First, because I think the word exquisite is profound and rolls nicely off the tongue, and second because life rarely turns out exactly like I plan.  I've gotten onto another archaeological dig and a new passion to protect the culturally signifigant artifacts.  Leaning into the adventure...

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