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asleep again
[67064] by "andrea" (   on Tue 24 Feb 2009 13:15:49     [ reply ]
"I'm awake" says H. in the end of ends, his ferocious alter ego ripped apart, his imaginary tormentors vanished for good.

Awake from a nightmareous slumber which lasted four long years of unbearable pain and deep dark shadows casted over any possible view on the future.

So H. finally walks in the real world, and with childish joy begins to fiddle with the reality he has always been denied by events and bad choices - provided the two things aren't really just the same one.

A fruitful yet tiresome walk, in an endless day which seems to present some of the disturbing angles of the realm of dreams. Fruitful, yet tiresome.

H. falls asleep again, but more probably he felt asleep before - and now he's awaking again into what he believed to be the dream.

And me? What should I do now?

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