Divide By Zero: posting
some kind of crap... i don't know
[26070] by "Chimee" (cflow03.tri-isys.com)   on Wed 17 Sep 2003 09:24:16     [ reply ]
Hello... i was looking for free Win fonts (cause i'm addicted to it, somehow)... and wow, i came across your page.  
Honestly, your site is really cool.  And i like your idea of explaining the origin of your fonts.. by the way, are all those fonts really yours?  I saw guild of professional actors, maybe a couple of months ago in another fontsite (fontsite??) and i really liked it.  I used it in my webpage... no, it's not yet published.  i'm just trying to learn how.. and my finished work included that font... if it's yours, then thank you so much...
I downloaded almost all of your fonts, thank you.  I think they're all cool.  super.
You are really great... your site tells that so.  ( i think youre fed up already by that "your great", "awesome", 'super", "you're so good", et cetera, but what can we do??? you are just that good... just that good... <The Calling song>)
so that's it...  

i'm sorry if my grammar is not that good, or if you see some kind of wrong use of words...  I'm a Filipino.  English is only our second language...
thank you...


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