General (archives): re: tombats plagiarism (zoom)

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You found it!
[10132] by "Tom 7" (   on Thu 14 Mar 2002 12:25:14     reply ] [ up ]
Awesome. Someone told me there was a cell phone cover using them, but I had never seen it. =)

There's nothing wrong with people using my fonts to make stuff, in fact, I encourage it. (I wish these guys had told me and maybe sent me one, but they don't have to.)

Thanks for the link!!
re: tombats plagiarism
[10435] by "Anonymous" (   on Thu 28 Mar 2002 09:33:02     reply ] [ up ]
Tom, man. Opportinities like this are rare. Eithe rget a free one or sue they's asses. Do something. If I was j00, I'd at least kick SOME ass... I dont know...