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[16157] by "Whit" (   on Fri 04 Oct 2002 20:33:00     reply ] [ top ]
Too funny.. I was just getting ready to post when I see "Does anyone remmber Whit"

I remember Whit! LOL.

Yes those 15 letter set up games were fun but - after seeing them a few times it wasn't that fun except to break the old record.  I always counted two records one being a normal co-op game and then those totally set up ones that we did.

As far as playing a game and avoiding those who choose to play a different type of scribble ... it's not that hard to do... we used to do it often (just keep a  particular game too busy) What I have to say is unless your actually going for the record, an occasional non TPer playing a word isn't the end of the world.  It definately is sad when your about to break the record and someone uses the triple / triple you've set up for the word STATS... lol.

Back when I used to play the 3 (I think there were 3...) secret boards were pretty much knowin only to us and we found ways to let other 'team players' know how to find them, but keep in we also lost out on some possible awesome team players because we spent all our time on those 3 boards... ya know? Had those 3 boards been there when I first joined Scribble, I may never have known about them, nor the fun players... and might have left the area.  

Watch the main boards - watch for people who seem to enjoy making full use of the tiles - and start playing with them ....

Anyhow nuff preaching, I just want to say that non TPs (FYI I invented that term LOL TP...) are not bad players they just play a different way... (remember in real scrabble the objective IS to block triples and so on.) Also many of them simply don't know or understand - talking nicely to them and explaining that they are welcome to play on 15 and 16 anyway they'd like - that he/she might concider leaving 15 and 16 for those working as a team to make the best possible use of the tiles... and suggest they try playing the co-op way.

Miss you all - :)
