The hall of fame was I believe any games over 700 points.
For your '1250' + I'd suggest he call it the "Hall of Shame'
Because that's what it's become, when a few players restart any game that others are playing because it doesn't fit up to their elite-standards. When they label and bash an entire group of people because they don't fit up to their standards and so on. I'd prefer to play with the 'webbies' then the 'snobbies' any day of the week.
If he does reinstate a hall-of-fame it should be for boards 1-14 where the games are not started over anytime they don't like a particular play or set of tiles.
I'd also like to see him set up a special game for those elitists-with-anagram-programs to play in peace and be all proud of how well they can type 10 letters into a little anagram program. I'd also love to play against a few of them live LOL. Not naming names they know who they are. :) I don't really have a problem with them using them I just think it should be done on a special board and those using them dissing anyone who chooses not to is tacky-tacky-tacky.
This used to be a fun friendly game with a few exceptions... and I think if those in games 15-16 can't treat others with respect and stop restarting the games those two boards should be shut down.
People who are proud of their '1250+" games need to look in the mirror and realize how they treat others over this GAME... not everyone has a encyclopedia memory or choose to use a anagram program to 'play' for them.
I've always missed Shaw, Andrew and many of the other TPs and now I know why they are gone... got to the point unless they could manufacture 8 letter words at the drop of a hat they couldn't play... partly my fault for getting it started I guess just never realized how far it would go or how nasty it would get. Almost every game I've played here has been restarted by the elitists - all good games too... oh but they might not have met their precious 1250+ .. just how many of those precious 1250+'s do they need to get to prove they are better then the rest of us?
And D - in case you think I've changed, I haven't - I'm still the same fun friendly person I always was... the atmosphere has changed here and I am speaking the truth here - nothing more.
Just my 2 cents.