General (archives): re: Scribble dictionary (zoom)

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re: Scribble dictionary
[6925] by "Tom 7" (   on Mon 29 Oct 2001 18:15:44     reply ] [ up ]

Personally I'm of the opinion that words alone shouldn't be offensive -- in the setting of a board game, it's rather a stretch to imagine that the words are not neutral in meaning. It wouldn't bother me to have my kids (if I had any ;)) play a game which used words that ranged over the entire english language, even if some words could be used to spell out ideas that I don't support ('murder' would be higher on that list than the 'f word'!).

If there are players using offensive language in comments, though, or making a habit of playing offensive words in order to offend people, that is a different story. Let me know!