The truth is in here. |
[3667] by "RealDealNeal Martin" (
on Mon 18 Jun 2001 14:11:49
[ reply ]
Tom, you've got so many web projects, but no web cam anywhere? You should get a web cam setup in your living room so the entire world can finally have acess to the truth about the numerous pummelings you have been dealt in such games as Micro-Machines, Bomberman, and Street Fighter. Perhaps you think you can evade that truth through deceit and a facade of ego? Tell me Tom, are you no better than the other Bourgesois sources of mass media domination? Are you no better than the artificial enthusiasm spouted out by biker babes in the marketing on the back of your box of "Cracklin' Oat Bran?"
Speaking of this volotile combination of mass media and cereal, would you mind if I dropped off this 5' by 4' cardboard promotional icon of Tucan Sam in a few days? I'll need a place to stash it after I ravage the Shadyside Giant Eagle. I'll just drop it off in a few days or leave it laying on the front lawn. I'm going to use it to as a model for "Comrade Sam," fearless symbol of communist cereal. If anybody asks about it, just tell them it's a religious statue. If they press for details, say you can't tell them anything, but recommend this amazing new book "Dianetics", the most advanced text on Psychology ever written. I suggest you then tell them about how it changed your life from being a caged gimp to a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon and an author of several fine true type fonts. Show them a picture of your liberator, Don Crimbchin. Offer them a bowl of Cracklin' Oat Bran. If they reject, it is just as well. If they accept, then you're hopelessly out of your league. You're only hope then is to make it to Mexico. If that happens, you need to ditch Martin Hock. I know what you're thinking, but get it out of your head -- This situation is survival of the fittest and he's only dead weight. Hock isn't built like you Tom.
Make your way to Chiquaqua by way of touring college girls at Mazatlan. You may need to fake an Australian accent for this strategy to work. For this reason, I am loaning you my copy of Crocodile Dundee for you to study daily. When you reach your destination, go to the Cuidad Tierra Azul. Under the stone bridge there are 3 drunken hobos. Dig three feet below the one with the longest moustache named "Borracho Numero Dos." You'll find 2 million pesos and some golden tablets written in what appears to be a heirogryphic language. If you take the tablets to Salt Lake City, they will hide you and give you choice morman virgins; technically you'll need to marry each of them. Rally your forces. Contact me when you are ready to strike back.
Remember Tom: We're counting on you. |
toot! |
[3645] by "Anonymous" (
on Sat 16 Jun 2001 20:47:16
[ reply ]
I snoot in your general direction. |
[3633] by "Anonymous" (
on Fri 15 Jun 2001 23:12:58
[ reply ]
Snoot! What a delightful word! It is a gay old thing, worthy of many giggles. Laugh with me now. SNOOT! Haw haw haw haw!!! |
test |
[3593] by "Tom 7" (
on Thu 14 Jun 2001 14:34:41
[ reply ]
test |
Back! |
[3403] by "Tom 7" (
on Thu 31 May 2001 16:08:11
[ reply ]
Looks like we're back!! I didn't think it would take that long; sorry.
There shouldn't be any more disruptions until the end of the summer when I get my new office, and then hopefully none for the next six years. |
scribble |
[3139] by "bksfc" (
on Sun 06 May 2001 01:27:02
[ reply ]
Help! When I try to play scribble, I get a HUGE font and the board does not show--only the numbers and letters. Did something change overnight, or have I done something to my computer that I'm unaware of? Just about anything I do to it I'm not aware of, so it's not unusual. If this happened to anybody else, let me know I'm not alone in the world. If it didn't happen to you, I'd welcome ideas about how to fix it. Either way, thanks. |
Binary Fiction |
[3127] by "Samantha Green" (
on Thu 03 May 2001 21:37:39
[ reply ]
Hi out there,
Anyone having fun with Binary Fiction? I'd love to add nodes back and forth and see what kind of storyline we could come up with on here.
Anyone willing to try??
Samantha :-)) |
Ban |
[3112] by "koj;asfd" (static24-72-2-7.reverse.accessco)
on Wed 02 May 2001 17:15:55
[ reply ]
Your website has banned me (uregina) for over 2 months! I thought you said a short while. Don't worry, I'll gt my revenge |
Me |
[3087] by "Anonymous" (
on Tue 01 May 2001 03:37:31
[ reply ]
My idiot friend *poof* posted the previous message b/c he was being moronic with his compliments.
Ignore him.
Sheesh. Lol.
Samantha |
Binary Story...statue |
[3086] by "Anonymous" (
on Tue 01 May 2001 03:35:29
[ reply ]
I love the Binary Game. I totally crack up over the entries by "Samantha Green".
Hey SAM--I live in Coronado!
aNYONe elSe play this and have fun??
Me gone now.
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