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If this can be of any comfort...
[12725] by "Anonymous" (   on Sun 16 Jun 2002 11:19:10     reply ] [ up ]'re in good company:

My father betrayed my mother with my aunt and left us without money when I was 14.

This aunt almost killed my uncle. This uncle was a quiet man of money and calculus until he want half mad and escaped in africa where he became an hunter and was afflicted by various morbs which killed him in the next year.

Another aunt (Mum's sister) frauded her husband and he went bankrupt. Thereafter she married a well known thief and burglar. The couple proceeded to fraud my grand aunt as well and send blackmails to my mother.

Lastly, my last uncle has always lived as he was some sort of noble, crazy with terrible headaches. On the verge of his madness he confronted my cousin WITH A SWORD, and he left Italy, scared, never to be seen...

Mind well: this is 100% true.
re: No Subject
[12739] by "Rob" (   on Sun 16 Jun 2002 17:47:44     reply ] [ up ]
The time that you realise your parents are not paragons may be a time of discomfort. But to "realise" they are fuckwits is most likely rebellion and disillusionment in equal measure. When you realise that you were wrong all along, and that in fact your parents are simply people, older people and therefore different in their ways from your fellow youth, but no less great for it, then this is the most wonderful of things. Because you can love everything about them, even their faults.

Of course, if your parents really _are_ fuckwits, then you're screwed. Sorry.

Parental Units
[12810] by "DangerousType" (   on Tue 18 Jun 2002 16:58:44     reply ] [ up ]
I answer with great understanding but total lack of solution. My mother left when I was 2. The Stepmother suffered from serious rage disorder and deadly aimed slapping techniques. Funny thing though...years later I actually do consider them my friends. The connection was made only after I rebuilt my own heart into a healthy, happy, generous vessel. Like a bone that breaks and rebuilds with stronger material - the heart, mind and soul that survives living with the "fuckwits" of the world - sees clearer, speaks softer, Lives (Really Lives) a richer fuller more profound existence. Everyone makes mistakes - especially parents. We have it in our design and programming to recognize and not repeat the lunacy. Howl at the moon my friend. Let out the anger through a good sweat. Speak softly to them when you do and notice that they will move in closer to hear you and respect your strength. That's my two cents. GZB