Last Cereal: Message Board: Mr Z, hello (zoom)

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Greetings Mr. Z
[15503] by "Veavitdpoh" (   on Tue 17 Sep 2002 22:38:02     reply ] [ up ]
I can see you!

Mr Z, hello
[15506] by "andrea" (   on Wed 18 Sep 2002 04:54:07     reply ] [ up ]
The question is: what happened? Or what is happening? Or what do you think is gonna happen?

The answer can be something written, a picture, or a strip. Your choice.... FrereZed.
re: MZoB
[15511] by "proxy" (   on Wed 18 Sep 2002 11:10:13     reply ] [ up ]
one of my eyes sticks out of my skull slightly further than the other!

at least you're symmetrically grey...