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[26034] by "Anonymous" (   on Tue 16 Sep 2003 13:47:45     reply ] [ up ]

help, help, help? where did i type that i needed help? -  i can't find it.

I was talking about how the majority treats us.  And is fate in the hand of others like some of this comic strip perpetuates.  How it effect your pride Mr, oh oh oh! oh oh! Im being damaged but im tough enuff,,,,,oh oh matron oh fbi oh 'soooo angelic we must protect her'ishness attitudual stance of the alpheric-status wannabe males'

Remember the memory in our heads - of that kid with the mess of greasy curly hair, trampy clothes and innocent looks? whom was always attacked at school for no reason.. Yeah you remember.. it maybe 10-15 years ago but the memory is as clear.  I wonder what happens to people like that? they made me feel that they needed help, i felt sorry for them cuz no one wanted to be associated with something they felt was lesser than themselves.