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re: For the record
[26121] by "RobPfeifer" (   on Thu 18 Sep 2003 07:19:00     reply ] [ up ]
And yes, this is me following up myself.

Further observations: in "re: jesus christ.. an idiot!":
>So i'm still attracted to this guy in
>Rome.. but the English guy... he was
>just disgusting! is either female or homo/bisexual. Surprised you guys didn't pick up that slight difference.

Vlada in "re: Just to clear something up, Vla..."
>Well, I know you a bit. You're not a
>We just all owe you...and I should
>forget everybody I've ever met and
>dedicate my life helping
>you...Sweeeeeeeeet, sounds like a
>plan, but I am not a social worker,


Either Vlada knows nott.cable and it's another person called Rob, or everyone's getting real confused here... Just because I'm not around for a few months, why does everyone keep thinking people are me?

I hope it's midnight soon and all the masks come off.
