Allow me to sum up.
-There is no free will; everything is preordained by societal constructs.
-Human nature categorizes men into two categories, the baboon-bourgeosie-bigger and the paleface-proletariat-smaller.
-BBBs enjoy a perfect life at the expense of the PPSs.
-Human nature categorizes women into two categories, the egocentric-Darwinist-beautiful and the mysteriously-absent-other.
-Anyone who disagrees with you, rejects you, or gets in your way is obviously a BBB or an EDB.
-As a result of societal constructs and human nature, you are unhappy. It isn't your fault because the EDBs rejected you and the BBBs oppressed you, so you couldn't be happy. Maybe if you'd gotten laid back in the day, things would be different.
-Any world in which you are unhappy is obviously flawed.
-Therefore, the solution to all of your problems lies in sweeping alterations to thousands of years of evolution: physical, mental, and psychological. Until you are living in a perfect world for you.
-It isn't your fault you are unhappy, so you don't need to change or do anything, everyone else should change for you.
-When all the BBBs have been exterminated or exchanged for PPSs, you will be able to succeed.
-When all the EDBs have been exterminated or exchanged for MAOs, you will be happy. (Alternatively, all that is necessary is the removal of any prior attachments the EDBs may have formed and the institution of absolute interest in you and your ideas.)
MISSION STATEMENT: Because I am unhappy, the world is flawed; because the world is flawed, it should be changed until I am happy.
Good luck, citizen! |