copy and paste where I called you a 'racist' cause i can't find it. I said you was ayran and that's what hitler wanted to fill his world.
Basically what is ironic is that my theory about primates and mammals social structure, and its similarity to human beings. And you think its 'crap'..... thats the irony
Like what you're doing now is kinda baboonisitical... its bitchy, its teeth showing, its full of hisses, its finger pointing! its the needeness to attack an unwelcome tresspasser...
All of a sudden im the adversery who must be srutinized by the highly strung lady baboon and her commune. - this need for power you posses. Throw some more dung at me.. go on... you're the sculptress and the ameliorator.
And who's 'veav' the artistical, is he
with you in N.jersey or is it a double? |