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[27023] by "wob" (   on Mon 06 Oct 2003 20:06:40     reply ] [ up ]
His intention(s) were not to drive anyone away, be it male or female,  Vladlena or Vladimir. Even if they're out to prove they're better blood than other posters, be it with snide remarks like 'why don't you get a fat girl' and 'carry on..theres no fucking point'  - I mean.. I get the issue.  But If one really wanted to harass a being.. then surely they would do it in the flesh.

There is a glaze of scrutiny, peppered with scurrility.
re: No Subject
[27046] by "andrea" (   on Tue 07 Oct 2003 06:36:17     reply ] [ up ]
Nah, I will keep reading and rarely posting, as I always did. Wob's posts, too, aren't naughty in their very essence. The problem is just that they seems to be "out of context". You know, uhm, ruining the atmosphere.

When you go to an islamic country, respect their beliefes, dress yourself in an adequate way, etc.

When you write on a quiet, insightful board... be quiet, be insightful ;)

That's the way I deal with such situations. Much like the ancient romans did! ;)