re: fate |
[34604] by "TOBOT" (
on Wed 31 Mar 2004 14:26:35
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Intruder alert! |
re: fate |
[34753] by "Anonymous" (
on Fri 02 Apr 2004 12:27:26
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Over 30..trashed?
'30' seems to the point in life that young people are revealingly sceptical of, I hear this saying many times; "your nearly 30 and what have you acheived? - you best get a move on man". Widely used in sports collums, like: "Roberto Baggio is over 30.. so he's past his best".
For 30 is time of peak and decline, nearly 26 but can't grow a beard.
re: fate |
[36049] by "PromeTeo" (
on Mon 03 May 2004 06:40:29
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You always can choose.
Many people don't subscribe such rules and live on free, with less money and less being sure upon future...
It's up to you.
It's what I call undergroun-society, people very worth of sometimes, if they are there as a choice.