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re: Consequence
[49768] by "DangerousType" (   on Mon 27 Jun 2005 16:47:47     reply ] [ up ]
Looking forward to the last cereal - the end of the beginning.  I try to find Rob and you find Nosferatu.  I've thought about that guy every Christmas since 2002.  He and I both fell for the neighbors and got our little angst-riddled hearts tortured.  In that fit of silence and free firewood I shot the very first of my "Things Burn, Ink" cathartic photographs - brought on by the near demise of my sense of humor in a love drenched catastrophe.  Fortunately, I'm a tough little cookie and supplemented work, wine, friends and fire for intimate company and all the other fringe benefits.  Oh yeah...and great music.  It worked!  

Hearts Burn