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re: 100 years after Einstein
[50452] by "FrereKhan" (   on Wed 20 Jul 2005 16:40:12     reply ] [ up ]
Most un-enigmatic post evar!
re: 100 years after Einstein
[50508] by "Rob Pfeifer" (   on Sat 23 Jul 2005 08:15:34     reply ] [ up ]
You're in Brisbane now? Or you don't get here until September/October/November? You're right, we should meet up. I'm living in Toowong at the moment, about half way between town and UQ St. Lucia campus. Keeps me fit - it's a good bike ride in either direction.

Second hand book stores are marvellous places. I love the way you can wander in and you never know what'll be on the shelves. The collections are always so eclectic; shops selling new books never have that same variety. You could find any book ever published there, just waiting for you to pick it up. Any book at all. There's something marvellous about that. I've always been fairly lucky with second hand book stores.

And interesting places? Yes please! Recommend away!
