Well, as you recapitulated your life in words, I will do the same with the last batch of strips. Who know if I am still good at that after 2 years? :) Was I ever good?
Anyway, you're all going to fit in. It's beginning in September as I'll come back from my vacations. It's something which needs a certain atmosphere to be accomplished, and I'll need Autumn to fall on Verona, for that.
Or better - on Roma. I never felt comfortable drawing LC here, it doesn't belong here. It belongs to my little room in my mother's home in Roma, definitely.
FK, DangerousType and Rob, you're all "here"... Veav is lurking too, as far as I know from our other points of contact (good old icq, for instance). Who knows if Nosferatu will somehow smell the trail of this black and white snail moving toward its death..