I saw "what the bleep" a couple of times. Interesting. Physics 101. I persue time travel films. If you ever get a chance see a little romantic/time travel flick called Happy Accidents or maybe The Thirteenth Floor.
Here's a little something I read in the 5th grade (long, long ago):
"Ho Wayseeker" she called, "I have watched your struggle to find the pathway and I know that you will love the things that belong to it. Therefore, I will show you the trail, and this is what it will lead you to:
A thousand pleasant friendships that will offer honey in little thorny cups,
The twelve secrets of the Underbrush,
The suppleness of Body,
The unafraidness of Night,
The delight of deep Water,
The goodness of Rain,
The story of the Trail,
The knowledge of the Swamp,
The aloofness of Knowing
and More,
A crown and a little Kingdom - measured to your Power and all your own.
But, there is a condition attached;
When you have found a trail you are ordered a guide. When you have won a Kingdom you must give it to the World or lose it. For those who have got Power must with it bear Responsibility; evade the one, the other fades away." |