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Expelled from a watery dream
[51353] by "DangerousType" (   on Mon 29 Aug 2005 23:35:56     reply ] [ up ]
Each time I read this my interpretation is different ~ is his heart broken, I wonder ~ is he raking his soul against some raw tenderness that soothes and craps on him at the same time?  Then today my interpretation is more personal.  Today my family folds beneath the largest hurricane to hit this country - ever.  Before it hit my father's house burned to the ground. The day it hit my brother's house washed away and no one can reach my mother's house because the flood waters are too high.  (all true) and these words transcend the depth and breadth of heart songs and the sky curdles with the same colourless (smelly) texture of the Gulf of Mexico.  Everyone is still alive and every one will start a new (as I hope will you if indeed these are words about heartache).  Expelled from a dream and drifting...