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Time/Space confusium
[51919] by "DangerousType" (   on Thu 15 Sep 2005 21:23:58     reply ] [ top ]
Wootang Australia has a great news website. Last week an article said that "yesterday" 5 Bridge Contractors in New Orleans were shot dead in a riot.  It shook me up because my brother is a bridge contractor there but I knew it couldn't be him since he was rescued by helicopter only that morning. Well...yesterday in Wootang is today in Boulder.  It really was him but he was not shot.  I was thrilled at hearing news technically/technologically almost before it had even happened.  Makes me think of the L2 satellite projected into space in search of illusive microwaves.  To reach it's target, the trajectory path was warped and crooked - flung into space, turned and flung towards another universe.  It's a tall order to wrap your mind around a ship that can travel back to the beginning of time for this universe and photograph new universes in their infancy.

Of course bought my newest camera - no woman in her right mind should have less than 7 cameras - wanna see a self portrait? ABP how about a new tell tale shot of you!