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[62954] by "andrea" (   on Sat 22 Sep 2007 12:57:15     reply ] [ top ]
H., Tom, Oriental Eyes, all the characters including "The City" - and the supernatural atmosphere - now and then I miss all of them. I miss cleaning the ball of that old logitech pilot mouse I used to draw the four panels on Paint Shop Pro 4.14, Windows 98, Windows 2000. I miss listening the radio late at night trying to figure out what should I draw next. I miss the hysterical phonecalls of Matteo, the friend who checked up for LC again and again waiting for me tu update.

So those ghosts, they all come knocking at my door begging for me to give them a body again. But those bodies - I buried them long time ago and they nurtured the soil I'm planting my life in.

I feel like a summoner and an exorcist at the same time..