message board: posting
re: Browsed, and ...
[70682] by "alpha" (   on Sat 27 Aug 2011 09:35:24     [ reply ]
Your post piqued my curiosity so I tried searching for the Top 50 games list, but didn't find it.

Tom's deleted archived games before 2009 but I found a message board post from Laura (a former expert player) with a non-functioning link to a Sept. 4, 2004 game with a score of 1848, and her message is to check out the latest 1800+ game, so my memory is correct that the real experts topped 1800 points.

I also think the average game was well over 1400 points, as we stuck to the expert guide and didn't just dump letters or play words at random; everyone really did play cooperatively and tried to attain the highest score.

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