Super Destroy FX: posting
Is this the best place to ask question about carpet cleaning?
[81346] by "Elizabeth Stenberg" (   on Wed 11 Sep 2024 15:03:04     [ reply ]
Hey, this is elizabeth. I know this is probably the 3,789th email you’ve received from someone trying to sell you something, but hear me out for a second!

We're not looking to sell you anything upfront — We are looking to partner with an established carpet cleaning company like yours.

We’ve built a system that can get 20-40 new appointments on your calendar, and we're willing to prove it works first. No risk to you, just results. We can even run a free trial to see if this is the right fit.

If you’ve got a moment, check out this video , and let us know what you think. I promise, this isn’t your typical sales pitch!


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