Super Destroy FX

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scrubby kicks a**!!!!
[81493] by "marika bio_bio" (   on Fri 27 Sep 2024 05:23:33     reply ] 
Hi dfx scrubby changed my life I love it so much!! I use scrubby extensively to generate variations on sounds as I work. You can hear some of the sounds I made with scrubby here if you are curious :3

I think the most fun examples are MO_BIO_130_drum_loop_covert_noise_loose.wav
[81073] by "rackbandit" (   on Fri 02 Aug 2024 05:14:53     reply ] 
I got 3 of your plugins and am going to send you $20 when I get money as appreciation, thank you
void all users (N/T)
[80243] by "" (   on Sun 14 Apr 2024 18:57:55     reply ] 
No text.
forgot the link....
[79884] by "Pål Asle Pettersen" (   on Fri 15 Dec 2023 20:02:30     reply ]
[79883] by "Pål Asle Pettersen" (   on Fri 15 Dec 2023 20:01:51     reply ] 
I have used this plugin in every album i have ever made, and it is the best distortion, fold or whatever plugin i have ever come across. On this album i used it for almost every distorted song, which is more than 50% of the 80 songs....
Use of destroy fx
[79727] by "Anonymous" (   on Tue 29 Aug 2023 13:18:22     reply ] 
Hi, I used your fx on both of these albums:

Transverb on Bosh Swuckling
[79610] by "Speculativism" (   on Thu 20 Apr 2023 08:08:41     reply ] 
Hello! I used Transverb on "Bosh Swuckling":
Thank you!
Used Buffer Override
[79606] by "Speculativism" (   on Thu 13 Apr 2023 08:57:03     reply ] 
Thank you for creating these clever plugins. I use some of them sometimes and I forget to you about the recordings I create with them. This time I remembered though. I used Buffer Override on: and will on some more tracks coming soon. All my recordings are non-commercial Creative Commons on Soundcloud.
[79538] by "" (   on Tue 29 Nov 2022 19:10:45     reply ] 
So great to find/install the functioning destroy plugins!!!

Its there any hope to getting Livecut brought back to life?? Absolutely one of the finest munching tools I ever live sampling/torture device with rhythms....

Borderlands is fun but not as gnarly.....

Let me know....Thanks for your amazing creative programming...
VST3 support
[79534] by "Adhesion" (   on Fri 25 Nov 2022 14:31:27     reply ] 
Any chance of supporting VST3 on mac & windows? Currently, since there's only AU on mac and VST on windows, sessions (using Ableton Live for example) with dfx plugins aren't cross-compatible when you transfer them from one platform to the other. Having VST3 as a common format on both platforms would alleviate this problem.
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