Super Destroy FX: re: Buffer Overide w/ midi? cheap? (zoom)

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re: Buffer Overide w/ midi? cheap?
[23498] by "Anonymous" (   on Sat 12 Jul 2003 20:30:38     reply ] [ up ]
Well i've done some more research, and it looks like there's nothing in OS X that will do what i want (except for vst host or something like that... that supposivly will, but wouldn't).

I've re-installed OS 9, beacuse there was a program that looked very similar to HostX, but could load an audio, then record a new audio file through the vst plugin (which could be controlled by the on screen keyboard, or a midi keyboard)

any ideas what that might of been and where it was?  or are there any other free (or under $20) that will do this?