Super Destroy FX: Mesa for osX? (zoom)

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Mesa for osX?
[29619] by "Anonymous" (   on Sat 06 Dec 2003 15:03:04     reply ] [ top ]

Thanxalot for all the stuff- usefull or fun- you guys have created. Sorry, I'm not really out to take over your company though. But I do have a question. Back in the old days, life was easy for a producer with an os 9 & Cubase setup. You could even work inside yer old Akais for instance, through a nice little app called Mesa. How sad that since we moved up to osx the old Akai stuff is gone forever. Because Akai never updated to x. Would you guys be able- or rather willing-  to come up with a simple VST app that, similar to Mesa, makes the 2/ 3000 series Akais compatible with and approachable from (sequencers like cubase sx in) osx? Or, would it be possible to redo Mesa to make it function under x?

Sorry to ask much, but I'm sure a lot of producers would be grateful.
