Super Destroy FX: re: BrokenFFT (zoom)

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re: BrokenFFT
[48434] by "Tom 7" (   on Tue 19 Apr 2005 10:17:58     reply ] [ up ]
Nope, it's still sitting on my hard drive, unfinished, like lots of other DFX ideas. ;)
re: BrokenFFT
[48437] by "Marc" (   on Tue 19 Apr 2005 10:21:48     reply ] [ up ]
Broken FFT is still Broken FFT:  near-complete but broken, always in development.  Maybe Tom could say more...

The same goes for one of my synths, Stuck Synth, which has been pretty complete for a long time now, but needs some important refinements and a few features implemented to make it much more interesting.  I haven't done this yet, though.

Also I've mentioned a Nintendo synth maybe a couple of times, but I've hardly gotten anywhere on that, just research mostly.  Honestly, I might never do that one just cuz the implementation isn't much fun (for me) and maybe not worth the effort.

I guess basically Tom and I have been pretty bogged down on the DFX side for a while now.  Tom's been doing his doctorate thing, and I've been prioritizing various other things.  And to the extent that I have done DFX stuff, it's mostly been for our core framework that I've been working on for a while, for the benefit of all our plugs and all future plugs, but not much obvious comes out of it to anyone else until it's done.

Good luck with your Germany shows, sounds exciting.