Super Destroy FX: re: Bugs are funny... (zoom)

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re: Bugs are funny...
[67695] by "Sophia" (   on Tue 19 May 2009 09:33:41     reply ] [ up ]
Yeah, I was thinking that too when I noticed you are using DP 5...  It's actually rather easy to modify the name of an AU yourself with a Resource editor, here are some instructions:

If you right-click or control-click on the mda.component, you'll see "Show Package Contents" in the contextual menu, and if you do that, then you can navigate into Contents/Resources where you will see the file mda.rsrc.  Open this with a Resource editor, look through the 'STR ' for the "mda: Dynamics" text entry, and then edit that one so that the "Dynamics" part of it is something else.

If you do a web search for "mac resource editor" or something like that, you'll find a few things out there, some free.  If this proves any trouble for you, contact us with our contact form and I can email an edited copy to you.