Hi' |
[45571] by "Chris Evanss" (dial-148-240-42-86.zone-1.dial.net.mx)
on Tue 11 Jan 2005 00:08:38
[ reply ]
Estado Vulnerable al Amor Nuestro del Sentir del Sonido |
vst bit crush |
[45447] by "scotty boy" (renf-cache-3.server.ntli.net)
on Tue 04 Jan 2005 08:43:26
[ reply ]
My name is scott mccarter
I have just upgraded from cubase v 5 to sx 2.2
i used a vst effect called bit crush in version 5 and it is not in the new version 2.2 can you help me i also run it on a mac G5
Scott |
all of your plugzzzzzz |
[45056] by "sprow from frankfurt/germany" (pd9e9e8ae.dip.t-dialin.net)
on Fri 17 Dec 2004 15:17:12
[ reply ]
Since the day, i found your plugs in a german mag, i realized what the hell of a job they can do in tracks, that´re missing some strange stuff and noise. The best thing about it is, that they are not cpu hungry att all. Great work of you guys. Let me know, how to make a donation without a credit card, cause i´ve got none. You´re just awesome!!! |
RezSynth in Ableton Live 4 |
[44922] by "avarga" (24-29-126-131.nyc.rr.com)
on Mon 13 Dec 2004 14:20:51
[ reply ]
Has anyone had any luck sending MIDI notes to Rez Synth in Live 4.0? How exactly do you go about setting it up to receive MIDI note-ons and process audio (either in real time or loops.)
Adam |
Rising Sun |
[44479] by "Dorje" (host-004.sharprobot.com)
on Fri 26 Nov 2004 18:04:50
[ reply ]
I'm usin some DFX on my new album "Rsing Sun" available thro Zunior Records. www.zunior.com
web radio incl. dfx-made tracks |
[44220] by "lagowski" (lags.demon.co.uk)
on Sat 13 Nov 2004 18:30:34
[ reply ]
I have two radio streams now playing, which will include tracks mentioned in my previous posts. Many tracks by S.E.T.I. & Legion use the DFX plug-ins.
http://www.live365.com/stations/andrewlagowski |
Live in Japan
Skidder |
[43968] by "Oliver Davy - Newcastle England" (82-39-106-185.cable.ubr02.newy.blueyonder.co.uk)
on Sat 06 Nov 2004 18:54:09
[ reply ]
This simple plugin makes it onto most of my tracks. The uses I have found for it are many and varied, and everytime I use it my track sounds a billion times better. It's a real musicians plugin and I think you guys are, like, total gods dude, like whoa man, awesome!!! (and so forth) |
da fx |
[43816] by "panhandle" (a236199.upc-a.chello.nl)
on Wed 03 Nov 2004 10:13:04
[ reply ]
thanks so much for putting these wonderful plugs out!
Since I'm not into electronic payment of any kind, I can only verbally contribute my gratitude at this point.
Your plugs always turn up useful and versatile! |
Release |
[43618] by "Evanz D" (
on Thu 28 Oct 2004 04:29:16
[ reply ]
Hey people!
I've used some of your Destroy FX for playing during my studio free times.
The plugin I love most is the Buffer overrun, so I decided to use it in a commercial track.
The track itself is "DJ Elías - Moist 2004 (José de Divina mix)" released last month by Stomp Recordings (Barcelona, Spain).
Some voices are treated with Buffer overrun. And all the FX are made from the voices through the buffer overrun too.
I hope you like it.
Cheers. |
No Subject |
[43385] by "Anonymous" (165.c.002.mel.iprimus.net.au)
on Fri 22 Oct 2004 13:48:52
[ reply ]
thankyou, these are very usefull. |
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