u da best |
[13320] by "Astroglyde" (nycmny1-ar1-4-33-081-112.nycmny1.elnk.dsl.genuity.net)
on Mon 08 Jul 2002 21:16:51
[ reply ]
if we made any money from our tracks we'd give it to ya. but we are releasing 2 tracks next month and promise to thank you on the records.
unbelievable... for sure. |
Bufferoverride |
[13267] by "Rasmus" (h151n2fls34o971.telia.com)
on Sat 06 Jul 2002 08:50:19
[ reply ]
I really like bufferoverride ( as a matter of fact, I really like all of your plug ins). It is used on the vocals during the last 2 mins of my remix of Avalo's track Bleed.
I you are interested you can hear it here:
Keep the good work up.
Tweaker Remix |
[13071] by "Sambo" (bogw4158.nmsu.edu)
on Fri 28 Jun 2002 16:18:45
[ reply ]
Hi guys
great job on the plugins and thanks for sharing them with everyone!
I used skidder on a remix for microsize boy. It was applied to the drums at the beginning and acoustic guitar in the middle.
Thanks and Thanks again
sam |
bufferOverdose |
[12927] by "proem" (
on Sun 23 Jun 2002 01:22:51
[ reply ]
so yeah
if anyone is curious
I used bofferOveride EXtensively
on a track i did for an upcoming
clear 7 inch on the infamous
n5md imprint
www.proemland.com |
cool again |
[12321] by "goosedaemon" (
on Sun 02 Jun 2002 20:15:00
[ reply ]
i have two songs using dfx plugins.
the first is http://www.synature.com/fpstuff/matthew/goosedaemon-no_satiation.ogg;
it uses skidder and polarizer. a lot of polarizer.
the second is a short remix of a friend's song: http://www.synature.com/fpstuff/matthew/mordac_goosedaemon-tehwinmk2_remix.ogg. it uses polarizer. i noticed that polarizer's parameters could control some pitch thing, so i used that.
i love polarizer. |
Transverb |
[12263] by "Harry Lime" (ppp-178-203.29-151.libero.it)
on Thu 30 May 2002 15:57:12
[ reply ]
I'm very fond of Transverb, it's a really brillant VST plugins.
Since I play it a lot in real time, it would be nice that the "randomize all settings" button will not affect the 3 mix sliders, to leave the Dry/Wet ratio unaffected... is it possible?
Thank you very much! |
Hi again! |
[12047] by "[d]" (pcp01508057pcs.malvrn01.pa.comca)
on Mon 20 May 2002 17:18:32
[ reply ]
Hello. A few months ago I posted a message saying that I had used your efx in a few of my tracks...well, a couple of them have (finally) been approved by mp3.com.
"v-red0" was a tune I did for a small remix contest in which I think I won (the final results were never announced). The Transverb effect was used liberally in that song, but it really shines through on the drums. It is so unpredictable!
Also, there's "forgivemeformysynths," where the Transverb once again transformed an everyday synth bassline into a crumbly glitch-motif! Awesome!
[Go here to listen to the aforementioned songs: http://www.mp3.com/-d ]
I can't forget about the remix I did for the Alex Gordon remix project on acidplanet.com. The skidder was used on the synths and drums. [Search for "Loser Model" on acidplanet.com.]
Keep em comin', please!
Oh, may I make a suggestion for adding an additional feature to Skidder or Transverb? How about being able to reverse the audio in the buffer and then delaying it (by ms or tempo)? Might just make those plugins too weird...
Sorry for the long message. |
great plugs |
[12023] by "Traumakind" (hmb2-t7-2.mcbone.net)
on Mon 20 May 2002 05:37:58
[ reply ]
Hey, the transverb and the buffer override are amazing FX, I love them. I added a review at www.thepluginlist.com for transverb and gave it 5 stars. Cheers for the great tool! |
No Subject |
[11742] by "Anonymous" (host213-122-177-88.in-addr.btope)
on Fri 10 May 2002 05:06:27
[ reply ]
aahhh....at last I can get to the noize between the notes!!
Thanks guys these fx are fandabbydozy
Ben |
yay! |
[11453] by "xoxos" (1cust225.tnt1.tucson.az.da.uu.ne)
on Fri 03 May 2002 13:18:32
[ reply ]
what do you know, i finally found a plug-in with pitch shifting and feedback.. thought i was going to have to route out to an se-50 (whew..)
gratitude for that! |
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