General (archives): re: Muddle (zoom)

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re: Muddle
[14169] by "" (   on Mon 12 Aug 2002 11:04:19     reply ] [ up ]
If you need help with your cookie problem, let me know and perhaps I can send some code snippets. In reality it shouldn't be too tough (Although I don't know what you are using to read/write to your cookies)

In terms of removing people from games, I agree that it is tough to track people who happen to navigate with their browser. You can monitor several things though...
- When a user uses the images on your site to navigate out of a game, remove them
- When you notice a new login to game, match the IP with the IPs in other games. If they match, remove from the old game.

I agree though, I do play two games sometimes, but I was more thinking of the remove from the game, to avoid those score 'Dave' beat 'Dave'. Perhaps removing the user isn't the solution. Perhaps when a user clicking on an open game, match the host and see if they are already in the game. If they are, don't create a new spot, let them play with the words they have already entered. Although this could introduce more problems with webtv users with the same host...

Either way, thank you for muddle. It is a great game and I really enjoy it!