General (archives): re: Muddle (zoom)

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re: Muddle
[14139] by "Tom 7" (   on Sat 10 Aug 2002 13:26:45     reply ] [ up ]
Thanks for the suggestions...

I probably won't be adding accounts in the near future, but it may happen one day. Mainly is a screw-around-at-work kind of site, not a Yahoo!(TM) games kind of site. So I want it to be simple and easy to join on your first visit. Still, there would be some cool things about having logins.

However, I doubt I'll ever have long-term "high score" tables, because in my experience this encourages cheating. It's way too easy to cheat in muddle, so I don't want to encourage!

I should put the cookie in the textbox, but there's something just a little tricky about that and I haven't come up with a satisfactory solution for it yet.

Why remove people from games? I've been known to leave a game early if I can't find any more words, or even play more than one game at the same time. The main difficulty with this sort of thing is that I track users by the state of their browser, rather than their IP address or some other sort of "identity" (so that many people from the same host can play at once as different people). So knowing that it's the same person who has switched games or whatever is tricky.