DeLorean -
My name is Hilary. Not sure I had a
handle, and I lurked more than I played,
so you may not remember me. I sometimes
played from the office at lunch, and on
those occasions my computer name would
have had an EPA in there somewhere. At
home it varied (but it was never webtv!
<grin>. My most memorable play was
swooping in at the end of a high-scoring
game and plunking down a 9-letter word
for a triple-triple. That game was the
all-time high for a while (1486?). Hard
to remember exactly since the scores
went so much higher after you got more
During the "great Scribble outage" I settled down, bought a 107-year-old
house and started a family (a son now 18-mos. and another child on the way).
Those responsibilities pretty much keep
me off the computer, but I happened to
be checking out the games and saw LJ's
call to arms and thought I'd take time
to post in support. |