General (archives): re: Complaint Against Uncooperative Player (zoom)

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re: Complaint Against Uncooperative Player
[14806] by "LJ" (   on Fri 30 Aug 2002 20:26:27     reply ] [ up ]
Tom7 that was just one example that happened that day. The player usually does it on purpose. The use of the premium tile and the s on the first play was done intentionally. If more happen I will post them.

PS..Thanks to old TP'er for your input.
re: Complaint Against Uncooperative Player
[14857] by "Madamn Badger" (   on Sun 01 Sep 2002 03:30:55     reply ] [ up ]
Well, I'm outta here until the webtv people are gone. There can be reasonably good games even though we aren't all as good as LJ and DeLorean. I played in a 900+ point game the other night, but the webtv people (except for the one good webtv player) were wrecking everything around that game, I play between 2-5 a.m. to wind down after work, and I don't need the aggravation caused by the webtv people. I really enjoy Scribble, but I'll find something else to do.