General (archives): re: Complaint Against Uncooperative Player (zoom)

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re: Complaint Against Uncooperative Player
[14792] by "Tom 7" (   on Fri 30 Aug 2002 14:22:23     reply ] [ up ]

Unfortunately, I can't ban a webtv user without essentially banning all webtv users!

Anyway, I'm no Scribble genius, but this looks like just dumb play, not necessarily intentional wrecking. What indications are there that it's on purpose?
re: Complaint Against Uncooperative Player
[14807] by "DeLorean" (   on Fri 30 Aug 2002 22:40:07     reply ] [ up ]
In this guy's defense, yes, he did play "JAILS" to start with but he also played two of the 8-letter words in that game! Could also have been two different webtv users who coincidentally got the same IP, who knows...

P.S. Hey "old TP'er", remember me? :) Just curious what your handle was in those days? Would you happen to be GW? Nick? Spyder? Trev? Ann from Australia? Lefty? Sue? MJ? I'm running out of TPs here, help me out... hehe :)

-= DeLorean =-