General (archives): Lets talk about Tom7 (zoom)

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Lets talk about Tom7
[16172] by "Whit" (   on Sat 05 Oct 2002 11:53:42     reply ] [ top ]
I think he's amazing!!!

This site and it's games are incredible, and the community he's set up here is awesome.  

I think did most of this before he was even old enough to buy a beer!!!

To think of all those addicted to this place - I know I was extremely addicted lol.  

Tom - you should set up a pay-pal donation link here - I for one would be happy to make a small donation for you to apply to whatever you want, or just blow on a few hours of fun for yourself since we've had how many hours of fun thanks to you??? I think I spent probably 25+ hours a week here for a year or two lol.  

Any site that's even half as fun as this has all those annoying banners and popups and so on... this doesnt.  I know, or think you didn't get involved in this to make money, and I'm not trying to push it in that direction at ALL, just saying you could set up a "Care to donate"? button for those of us who would like to - you can make it as obscure as you want... ya know doesn't have to be a huge banner at the top lol.

I got sent on an all expense paid trip to Jamaica once for setting up something as fun as this.... dunno if you'd get enough donations for an all expense trip to the mall or Jamiaca but I think you should set it up anyhow!

I'm thinking of donating 1 cent for every hour I spent here... that'd add up to at least the taxi fair to the airport LOL!

Anyhow - if for some reason you are not allowed to take donations - or something, then tell us your favorite charity... we could donate to it in your name.