General (archives): re: Lets talk about Tom7 (zoom)

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re: Lets talk about Tom7
[16269] by "Tom 7" (   on Mon 07 Oct 2002 22:06:36     reply ] [ up ]
> I think did most of this before he was even old enough to buy a beer!!!

Yes, that's true. ;)

I think taking donations on the site might  endanger my ability to run it, since I'm not supposed to have any "commercial" content. (It'd be hard to argue that's really "commercial", but, you know...)

However, if anyone wants to send me a donation via paypal, I would be more than happy to recieve it at tom7 (a) cs (.) cmu (.) edu. You could also buy a t-shirt at my fonts site (, and then you'd even be getting something in return!

That said, don't feel like you owe me anything! I do this stuff just for fun (which can usually explain why I often take ages to do something that's not so fun), and the fact that people enjoy it is what makes it really worth it. =)