message board: re: Trolls (zoom)

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re: Trolls
[66195] by "tas1" (   on Thu 23 Oct 2008 20:46:03     reply ] [ up ]
Tom,you are right. I guess I didn't look at the big picture. It is up to the players to play according to the instructions. I believe that there are more cooperative players than trolls and that's a good thing. Thanks for Scribble,and thanks for responding.
re: Trolls
[66197] by "Whoo Hoo" (   on Thu 23 Oct 2008 22:14:52     reply ] [ up ]
Bummer!!  But thanks, Tom, for letting us vent.  And remember, if you ever do get an epiphany about how to ban the unsocial players, feel free to enforce it.