message board: re: Scoring (zoom)

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re: Scoring
[70679] by "Cathy in NZ" (   on Sat 27 Aug 2011 06:26:47     reply ] [ up ]
this is not the scoring might well be not quite the same.

Most Scrabble games have less letters...

it doesn't particularly matter because it's just a game...try to have some fun.

If you are new - just play at "set-up" and stuff like that until you get the hang of how we play here...:-)
re: Scoring
[70681] by "alpha" (   on Sat 27 Aug 2011 09:01:00     reply ] [ up ]
I believe there are no deductions in the scoring. A score of 22 for 'jug' would be on a double word score (the sum of the letters x 2, or 8+1+2 = 11 x 2 = 22).

In what game was 'jug' scored as 22? I'm just curious now.