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Annoying Trolls
[67590] by "Anonymous" (   on Fri 01 May 2009 22:39:38     reply ] 
Pleeeeease tell me that there is a way to block the trolls out of the games.
   They ruin all the fun with their aa, xu and ieeee's
hugzzzzz --?
[67521] by "." (   on Sun 26 Apr 2009 01:53:28     reply ] 
I think it was you? I could be wrong, but one night I pondered if a whole game could be played without hitting a premium square?  I did it:
AND it archived, tho the total didn't break 350, let alone 500:

The game started with the letter "I" so that the least possible tiles would be effected by the DWS.  The game wasn't quite "perfect" - I miscounted and one other letter hit a DLS.

It was a fun change-of-pace, and I might try it again, perhaps setting up the E & K rows or 5 & 11 columns for longer words.
first 1700
[67459] by "." (   on Wed 15 Apr 2009 21:56:49     reply ] woooo hooooo!
Great game
[67254] by "Mia" (   on Thu 19 Mar 2009 20:07:42     reply ] 
I have become addicted to this game! I am amazed at Susan and Max and how rapidly they find their words. I am a bit slow, but I am learning:) I just like to look for the longest words and enjoy it when I "go green"! Hope you all have fun and do well.
[67162] by "Lee" (   on Fri 06 Mar 2009 08:18:05     reply ] 
Ihave been playing here for many years and played with people who care about getting the best and biggest scores possible.I am in awe of players like allstream and buzz etc.who make awesome words and garner lots of points!This is a co-op game not a game f.or one or two individuals.Those of us who care would not put in words like aa ae ag ieee foul up the game for everyone else.We know you can't make other words off of the above words and the final scores are proof of that!We are frustrated.My point is  that its better to pass than foul it up for the rest of us.PLEASE do the right thing.
[67131] by "Anonymous" (   on Mon 02 Mar 2009 15:20:50     reply ] 
People have stopped coming because the words being formed by certain players are atrocious!I feel if you cannot do better than ae aa ieee than pass or quit!!
record breaking year
[67059] by "SaboTeddy" (   on Tue 24 Feb 2009 06:10:40     reply ] 
i know for a fact that MIKE hardly come here anymore . or Laura for that matter . but I intend to break MIKE\'s solo game record . just played a game tonight , scored a mediocre 1715 . just to warm-up
[66678] by "dave's mom" (   on Sat 03 Jan 2009 00:39:20     reply ] 
i posted below and then thought you might not check.  so here it is again.

thank you everyone for remembering dave.  he is a husband of 13 yrs.  father of three, ages, 12, 9 and 6.  he was unable to speak or communicate for about 4 mos., but now he can talk again.  he has no feeling on his left side so he is unable to stand on both feet.  his right side is becoming somewhat stronger, so he's working more on developing what he has.  he's kept a positive attitude through it all.  he had the top right of his skull removed and frozen.  was replaced about 2 1/2 mos later.  that was something i hope none of you have to see.  
but to remain positive, he's eating regular food once again although the feeding tube supplements him twice a day.  he's in a nursing facility but did get to leave for the first time on christmas eve to spend it with his family.  although we've been through a lot, we have an awful lot to be thankful for.  sometimes i forget that and just get really depressed.  we never know what road God has planned for us.  we just have to remember to have our backpacks ready to go.
please keep the prayers going for dave.  they are what's got him as far as he is.  he only has a little more to go and that's to get some feeling on that left side, and if not feeling, then to be able to make that left leg weight bearing.  he knows he'll be in a wheelchair, but he is hoping to be able to do some walking, as well.  so please, please bow your head once a day and just ask God to allow this.  thanks you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy New Year!
[66671] by "" (   on Wed 31 Dec 2008 21:35:57     reply ] 
May 2009 bring happiness and peace for all.
Thanks Tom
[66653] by "hugnzzz" (   on Sat 27 Dec 2008 22:30:57     reply ] 
nearly another year of great playing with your wonderful online game....thanks for continuing to host and make it available.
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