"I know dialects are tones of launguges and not
actually luanguges - did you think i was that dumb?
I just cant spell 'luanguge' so i used 'dialect'
instead - i cant be fucked to be a neat punctionally
moral speller!
History: - I would say Russian is kind of greek/hebrew
in origion, well your alphabet is with all those < <pi><pi>
[] kind of letters. Yourself is more Baltic in origin
though, unlike the swarthy dark skinned arab looking
Russians of the southern regions such as Azerbajian
and Georgia. Maybe true Russians were arab or even
mongolian? and the blonde/blue eyed ones which the
world see's as natives, drifted in from northern
europe. From this picture i have of you - I think you
might have a bit of orient in you cause you have the
broad-set eye sockets and straight hair, What do you
think? It interests me all this Anthropology and
origions of man - does it you?"
I re-read some of your stuff. What the fuck are you saying? How can you even mention Darwin after talking about the "origions" of Russians? Have you considered that "the swarthy dark skinned arab looking
Russians of the southern regions " are Georgians and Armenian...who are not related to Russians? That even our languages have different roots? Read your anthropology books better. I also suggest you to read some history stuff as well.
"The blonde/blue eyed ones which the
world see's as natives, drifted in from northern
europe" were natives. The "orient bit" came after the Mongolians conquered the Russians....well, a bunch of Slavic tribes in 1230s.
Robert...Gong to college is almost free un the UK, if you compare to how much it is here in the US. For me it's not just throwing books in my bag and I'm off to become smarter. It's first of all figuring out how I'm going to pay for it ...$25,000 a year, I get probably almost 10, 000 a year in scolarships, but it requiers me to work very hard so I can maintain my 3.975 GPA if you know what I'm talking about...I'm jealous of European schools, you're getting probably the best education there is, and you're out of college virtually debt free...Piece of cake.
Only in cheesy 80s movies college students get laid a lot...Lower your expectations, I guess, and you might have a chance to be happy.
Like me...I'm happy. I've gone through hunger, family abuse, and 2 rape attempts which ended up pretty badly for me...and you know what? I wake up every day, and my mornings are great and I'm happy...I guess I'm a dumb happy woman. Only idiots can be truly happy. The "smart" ones are staying up late thinking of great theories explaining their misfortunes.
Take a yoga class....or something.