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[26316] by "Vlada" (   on Tue 23 Sep 2003 00:01:15     reply ] [ up ]
Oh, yes! Yes! You finally got it.

All the baboon women of the world want to fuck healthy monkeys.

Hmmm...I wonder, why would men want to be with good looking girls? Why do you want to be loved by a pretty "healthy" one?
Have you even thought of a...perhaps, overweight....  or whatever is considered unattractive by mass media...girl. A nice, kind, soft girl who can deal with your insanity. Why do you try to approach somebody who already has enough attention? Who is a bitch? And who already has gotten somebody else?

That story you told me...about the girl you liked when you attempted to go to college. She had somebody else! She had somebody else and she probably liked to have that somebody else.

I have an amazing boyfriend..and you know that.

Should I dump him and fly to England? To meet you, the person asking me if I liked being raped? Or if the idea of being raped turns me on?

Don't cover up by the monkeys... I don't think the pale skin is the reason of not getting your case it's your mental health.

Now you are going to tell the society drove you to this...and what the society does to the people with the pale skin.

Keep going! There's no fucking point.

[26344] by "wob" (   on Tue 23 Sep 2003 12:27:51     reply ] [ up ]
This concludes my cruel theory that proletariat men are actually determined within the 1st 9 months of development (unless they had deficent diet, or illness during childhood).  His father was'nt proletariat / neither was his mother, so this dry's out the evolutionary theory of pre-determination, unless perhaps the genes have skipped generations? - which is rare.

Could it be enviromental or pshycological events during development - perhaps he evolved into something new and scary - much to the disdain of his parents, they for sure didn't ask for a proletariat birth!  

Time to phone the Fosters...