Super Destroy FX: re: Mono-maker (zoom)

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re: Mono-maker
[20530] by "Marc" (   on Sun 23 Mar 2003 10:31:24     reply ] [ up ]
Hi again.  Okay, well now that you explain these scenarios, I realize that the new version won't exactly do what you're looking for.  However, you can manage it by stringing 2 Monomakers together.

1st example:  Use balance mode and move pan all the way to the left.  Now insert a second instance of Monomaker and turn monomerge up all the way.

2nd example:  Again, use balance mode and move pan all the way to the left.  Insert another Monomaker and turn monomerge up all the way.  Also, enable balance mode and turn the pan all the way to the right.

You could manage the first example with one instance of Monomaker if I were to add a parameter that lets you reverse the signal path of Monomaker, but I don't think that I want to do that.  I think it would be a strange, confusing parameter to most folks.  I am determined to preserve Monomaker as a simple, useful, and easy to use plugin.  That's also why I don't want to make it a full-fledged stereo mixer and add independent gain and panning of each channel.  Most software mixer app environments give you that kind of control.  For me, I like Monomaker to just be a little problem solver that solves some common problems that many software mixer environments don't let you solve very quickly and easily.

However, after saying all of this, I did just think of one way to reconsile some of your requests a little more while still keeping things simple.  One thing that you're clearly looking for is the ability to lose one channel.  I think that what I may do is add a parameter that's a 3-state switch:  left, right, and stereo.  When it's set to left, you get the left signal doubled in the right channel.  Setting it to right does the opposite.  And setting it to stereo gives you the current behaviour.  Actually, a fourth state would be good too:  swap (send left to right and right to left).  How does that sound?

Regarding availability, there's no way that we're going to have our Windows VST graphics framework done for your current project, but I can certainly send you a preliminary version with no custom graphics to help you get your album done.  Just use our contact form to send us your email address (it's not a good idea to post it here, spam harvesters will grab it).